

It seems that Amazon is the current “in thing” that everyone wants to sell on, just like how eBay was the in-thing prior to Amazon. But, Amazon and eBay have their pros and cons (In my opinion, they have more cons than pros). But we're not going to spend this article debating them. Instead we are going to talk about three selling platforms you may have never considered: Walmart, Sears and Brisk Sale.

First, let’s discuss Walmart

Obviously everyone knows what Walmart is. I am almost positive that everyone in the USA has been to a Walmart at some point in their life. So it’s not like you are trying to reinvent the wheel here. The benefits of selling on are pretty obvious: traffic.

However, there’s 9 additional reasons why you want to seriously consider Walmart as your eCommerce platform:

  1. Besides being a MASSIVE site, Walmart has other major perks, like $0 COST. That means you pay NOTHING to set up or list + 0 maintenance fees or account fees.
  2. The only time you give Walmart money is AFTER you make a sale; Walmart calls it a “Referral Fee”. We will discuss the fees more below.
  3. Walmart ALSO pedals your listings on other platforms...FOR FREE. This means you are getting 100% FREE marketing. Do you know how much we spend per month on marketing? It’s a LOT of money.  I think we spent $5,000 in Feb 2020.
  4. Your products are being sold, literally next to, the walmart products. You are actually GETTING your listings “into Walmarts Biggest Store”. Bragging rights? I vote YES!
  5. Who sells on Walmart? Hasbro, Lord & Taylor, Dell, US AutoParts, Fanatics and more! Thats pretty cool, eh?
  6. The referral fee is taken out of the sale BEFORE you are transferred the funds. I like this way more than getting slammed with a damn bill at the end of the month. So every penny you are sent is 100% yours to keep.
  7. NO CREDIT CARD FEES. Walmart takes the fees directly out of the commission they take. This is GIANT savings. We pay over $1,000 a month just in swipe fees on our website. This means if someone wants to buy your listed purple suitcoat and they try to run their declined credit card 18 times, you still pay nothing (besides the standard commission WHEN the sale is actually made)
  8. No Auctions - Personally, I love this. I would much rather not dick around with auctions and Best Offer time-wasting.
  9. Limited Competitors IF you avoid Walmart-stuff. Obviously if you are trying to sell the identical stuff walmart sells you’re going to do crappy. But if you sell stuff NOT at walmart, you’re probably going to do really well!


  • Payments are made bi-weekly. But I read somewhere that Walmart has upped it to weekly.  I wanted to go back and find the source to add it to this article and I couldn't locate it, so don't quote me on "weekly".
  • People CAN return stuff. But people can return Amazon stuff and eBay stuff so you should expect this. Wouldn’t it be AMAZING if people bought stuff they plan to keep?
  • “Referral Fees” are 8% - 20% of the sale.  Clothing, Baby and Beauty are 15% fee categories. There is a giant list of categories and fees, but here's some: 

So if you sell an adult rabbit suit for furries for $20, you will be giving Walmart takes $3 from the sale.  Learn a ton more about selling on Walmart. Read our Full Reviews on Walmart Selling.

Now let’s discuss SEARS

Sears is in the top largest online marketplaces with millions of unique and loyal monthly shoppers.  Read our thorough Seller Review or just read this overview. 

Sears has 27 total categories you can sell in:

The cost to sell on Sears is $39.99 a month and Sears takes a fairly large “commission” of each sale. Beauty, Baby, Clothing and Shoes are a 15% commission, so if you sell the item for $20, you gotta give Sears $3 from the sale (yep, it's the same as Walmart).

The cool thing is that if you have a catalog you can upload it directly to Sears. And.... how do I say this delicately...because I don't want to come across rude.... but Sears clientele isn't Walmart.  I mean, most people don't go to sears wearing PJ pants and a shower cap.  Ever see  If you haven't, it's amazing.  PeopleofWalmart is what you get if OMG and WTF had a baby. 


The other downside is that you don’t get paid for 15 days after providing the tracking number for the order.  There are some other downsides, and upsides too, that we will be going over more thoroughly in the next couple days. 

And finally, BriskSale:

BriskSale is completely overlooked, however it is 100% Free. BriskSales gig is that YOU offer them an optional commission to help you find a buyer. If they can find a buyer for ya, then you pay the commission you offered. Here’s a guy that joined BriskSale in December 2019. He now has over 100 listings.  BriskSale doesn't yet have the following that it should.  Heck, I had never even heard of it until I went searching out Amazon alternatives. 

BriskSale offers lots of payment methods, including pay pal, venmo and more. Best of all, they offer fast customer service and live chat too. I’m pretty sure that BriskSale is a small business like us, And you already know that I’m a huge fan of small businesses. 

SO.... I sent an email to BriskSale a week ago just to see what would happen.... they never replied.  I even checked my Spam folder just to make sure.  Maybe they never received my email?  Maybe they are short-staffed do to Quarantine.  Maybe they just don't answer questions. Who knows.   


OUT OF THESE 3 SITES, we have to give the award to  

Tomorrow we will be doing a highly detailed review about Walmart's Sellers Marketplace, so stay tuned!   

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5th Apr 2020 Big Brand

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