How to Scan UPC Barcodes from Your CELL PHONE! Create Spreadsheets & Manifests!

How to Scan UPC Barcodes from Your CELL PHONE! Create Spreadsheets & Manifests!

If you don’t like the task of data entry when it comes to barcodes, there’s so many totally FREE call phone apps you can use. What you are specifically looking for is a “Barcode to PC Scanner” App, like these:

We have personally tested the “Barcode to PC” App (the top app shown in the image above) and it’s super cool. You can set it up so as you can from your cell phone it instantly transfers to the computer:

The free app is available in Google Play as well as the Apple Store. Barcode-to-Pcs pricing is very transparent:

I suggest downloading it for free, trying it out, making sure it fits your needs then buying it based on the number of scans you need per month.


  1. You need to have a spreadsheet program for this to really work, so you will want to make sure you have Excel or Open Office or similar.
  2. If you are looking to make Manifests (product databases) for your Purchase Orders or Invoices, keep in mind that this app provides the barcode NUMBER. It does not propagate the data. So, for example, if you scan the barcode on a Calvin Klein blouse, this app will provide you with:


If what you want is:

054786621457    Calvin Klein Womens Blouse        Red      Small     Cotton/Spandex  

You will have to do the data entry OR you can try to use a program like

It really seems like Semantics3 in combination with the barcode scanner app is going to give you the ability to quickly crank out any database.

BUT… I assume Semantics3 is super expensive because they make you call to get a price. I read several different prices online. A blog post from 2013 said “the first 99 barcodes looked up on Semantics3 are free” while another post from 2019 said it’s $499 a month. Now $499 a month probably made you spit out your coffee BUT think of it like this…. How many hours do you currently spend looking up UPCs and creating databases? If you’re spending 20 hours a week, then $499 a month is a GREAT deal because you’ll get 19 hours a week back, thats about 80 hours a MONTH saved. $499 to save 80 hours is a steal of a deal because you’re going to make way more than $499 with 80 more hours. On the other hand, if you’re only spending an hour a month on a database then you would be throwing cash directly into the trash… then lighting the can on fire. 

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