Wholesale 101
Online Sellers: How to Remove Hangers from Clothing EASY METHOD
If you bought wholesale online and all of your merchandise arrived on hangers, here's the easiest way to remove them quickly (assuming you don't want to keep the hangers):
21st Oct 2021
Online Sellers: How to Pick a Full Size Mannequin for Photographing Clothing
Trying to decide what type of full size mannequin to buy? Here's the most valuable information you'll ever read! First let's look at the Pros and Cons of full size mannequins so you can make sure this is the right option for you:Pros:
Usually looks the best in photos of dresses, coats, etc. Heck, everything looks amazing on a good quality, correctly-chosen mannequin. At a minimum, we can all agree it looks a heck of a lot nicer than laying the shirt on a bed:Buyers can get an
26th Jun 2020
How to Make Your eCommerce Office AWESOME for Cheap! 20+ Deals to Pimp Your Workspace
We are going to divide the new badass office design into three categories: Wall, Decor and Desk. Wall will be the actual wall itself. Decor is what is on the walls and Desk is decorating your actual desk. Let's begin!
Walls are a huge deal! Personally, I am a massive fan of REMOVABLE wall murals. These are fantastic, even if you rent your space!
I love murals so much that I have TONS. Here's some my mural purchases:As you can see from
23rd Mar 2020
What Growing Avocados Taught Me About Business and Life
I thought my little “life lesson” true story was inspirational. I kept seeing these online posts “It’s SOOOOO EASY TO GROW AVOCADO From PITS!!”. So, as anyone else would, I assumed it must be (soooo) easy to grow avocado from pits; I mean, can *all* these people be wrong?? And heck, I like avocados...I then bought mason jars, cut open my avocados super carefully as to avoid damaging the pit (seed), washed them like I was bathing an infant, stuck toothpicks in them per the onlin
3rd Mar 2020