Wholesale 101
Unexpected Reasons Why Buyers Think Body Care and Makeup is Fake
Back in May we told you 5 Easy Ways to Prove Clothing is Authentic but what happens when a buyer is claiming cosmetics, perfume, lotion or cologne is fake? Why do they think this? Let’s discuss!If you have a buyer who is claiming you sold them a non-authentic product, you have probably heard things like:The color is different than the foundation I bought from the MAC store! This person is selling knockoffs!I buy this all the time from Victorias Secret and this product is fake because the smell
24th Dec 2020
Online Sellers: How to Properly Store Makeup After it's Listed
In the past weeks we have discussed storing Clothing, Body Care and Jewelry, so today we have to get into cosmetics! These tricks will keep your online listings in perfect condition. Let’s get started!
The reason we have focused to much on this "How to Shelve and Store" series is because if you do not store it correctly, you could end up with a buyer claiming the item is fake. The reason the buyer thinks this is because the product they received from has been imp
29th Oct 2020
Why are There Expiration Dates on Some Cosmetics and Not Others???
If you are new to selling makeup online you likely cannot find an expiration date on most makeup, and you’re wondering “What the heck?”. So today I am going to tell you all about it!The FDA does not require cosmetics to have an expiration date on them unless they contain an active ingredient (such as a "Collagen Booster" or "Skin Firming"... and there has to be an ACTIVE ingredient that performs this action), therefore the majority of cosmetics do not have exp dates. BUT, ALL makeup has "After
21st Sep 2020