Wholesale 101
Help! Amazon Keeps Rejecting My Invoices! Ungating Help for Beginners
There are a ton of reasons why an invoice submitted to Amazon for Ungating could be rejected. We will discuss many of the possibilities in todays topic: Why is Amazon Rejecting My Invoice?
If you have not already read our Complete Step-By-Step Guide to Amazon Ungating we strongly encourage you to do so. We even have an Amazon Ungating checklist for Beginners you can use. All of this content is 100% free with no catch. But if you are exclusively looking for popular reas
26th Feb 2020
Amazon Ungating: Pro Forma Invoice vs Commercial Invoice
Are you so totally beyond frustrated with trying to get Ungated on Amazon? Hopefully you already read our Step-By-Step Amazon Ungating Guide for Beginners. But, if your current Amazon Rejection Notice says the issue is that your invoice is "Pro Forma", here is what that means and how to fix it...A Pro Forma Invoice and a Commercial Invoice look almost identical but they're actually two different things. Think of it like this; if you decide you want to get a new roof on your
14th Feb 2020