Wholesale 101
Update: PayPal DROPS New $2,500 Fine! Blames Typo??
On October 7th we told you about the disturbing $2,500 fine which appeared in PayPal newly revised Terms of Service. After this news broke, the internet went crazy. Large quantities of people claim they drained their PayPal accounts and tried to cancel them... although they quickly realized that you can never truly "cancel" your PayPal account. Your only option is to choose to not use it. It now appears the only way to really cancel your account is to get banned by P
10th Oct 2022
New PayPal Terms Include $2,500 Fine?! (Winter 2022)
I would guess that the majority of online sellers accept PayPal as a form of payment options for their buyers, so we try to follow along with changes made to PayPal as well as other payment platforms and share the info with our readers. Here's a really interesting article that was posted to a legal website on 10.7.22. Whether you agree or disagree, with the article is irrelevant. Whether you agree or disagree with PayPals new Terms is also irrelevant, but, as an onlin
7th Oct 2022
Adore Me is Suing Amazon Over Counterfeit Listings! HOORAY!
Here at BigBrandWholesale.com we despise counterfeit sellers. There's many reasons why but primarily because it hurts our industry and the retail industry as a whole, and it has been frustrating that Amazon, eBay and Alibaba seem to do little to stop knockoffs from being sold. Over the years we have railed against the counterfeit industry. You can check out some of our articles about the topic here, so we like to follow along with lawsuits against marketplaces regarding co
3rd Oct 2022
UPS Announces Seasonal Rate Hike (Winter 2022)
Every year, like clockwork, the carriers ALL raise their rates, which is very frustrating for online sellers. If you ship through UPS, here's the increases UPS has announced for winter 2022:The increases shown below are for USA to USA shipments. (If you are looking for international shipment rate increases, check out the article on UPS.com)In the image below, look at the column on the right, labeled October 2022 - Jan 2023. MASSIVE INCREASE!
30th Sep 2022
Package Thieves vs Glitter Bomb 4.0 (HILARIOUS!)
This video is from 2021 but we laughed so hard that we had tears while watching it, so if you haven't seen it, omg you must, especially if you're an online seller! If you're an online seller you likely have dealt with "Porch Pirates" poaching your customers merch at some point. Until Mark Rober came along, package thieves had essentially no repercussions for their actions. Mr. Rober designed the original Glitter Bomb several years ago. When the package thief opened the
27th Sep 2022