- 17 Pieces Per Order
- Sizes: Womens, XS, M, XL. You will receive some in each size. If you want all of them shown in video above, buy Quantity 2 while supplies last and you will get all 34 pieces
- These are most, or all, OVERSTOCKS from N*RDSTR*M
Condition to Expect:
- Brand New
- Paper Store Tags are attached
- No clearance stickers
- In the box of products we got in today one piece, or the box itself, or the tape on the box, had a faint smell of smoke. We tried to figure out which item had the smell and the smell vanished. We smelled each individual piece and could not find the odor. The box itself and it did not smell like smoke. When we finish recording the video of these items we box them in a fresh box and put them on our shelf. When the lot sells we simply apply a shipping label. This means the items will be sitting in a box again. If you open the items and also smell a faint smell of smoke, let them air out for a couple minutes.