What Makes People Purchase Clothing? Awesome Statistics for Online Sellers!
I don’t know about you, but personally I love learning about shopping data because it helps you understand your customer, so today I wanted to share with you the reasons WHY people shop for clothing… it’s super interesting!
Let’s check out this graph below. People were surveyed and asked to check ALL that apply -
As you can see, the #1 reason for a clothing purchase is a Sale. How many times have you gotten an email from a store you love and rushed to purchase something because the deal is awesome? Bath & Body Works candles for $10? Don’t mind if I do! We can also consider this category to be “Promotions”; for example, you see your favorite Kardashians’ newest product and purchase it and $15 off is being offered, you can still consider this a “Sale”.
Season change comes in at 2nd place. At BigBrandWholesale.com we always see a huge boost in Sweater purchases in August, a lot of Swim sales in April and shorts fly off shelves in May. It’s not uncommon for us to have a full sell-out of seasonal goods right before the season hits.
Travel / Vacation is almost tied with Season Change. I always purchase items before I travel, so travel items are a safe buy. You can even consider Travel Items to also be “Season Change” because the climate often does change when you travel. If you live in Michigan (like we do) and vacation in Mexico, The Bahamas or Arizona…. You DEFINITELY need new clothes, pronto… and even in a swimsuit I’m still roasting! Lol!
Then we have Career, Social Events and Events in General (Weddings, Funerals, etc). Going to the club on Friday? Gotta grab some new shoes. Going to church on Sunday to repent for you club sins from Friday? Need some new slacks.
The remainder of the reasons people shop are scattered. Fashion Trends and Social Media go hand-in-hand in my opinion. If you combine these two categories you end up with a little under 60% of people buying stuff because it’s hot right now. That’s a surprising number!
IN CLOSING, what we learned from this data is that:
Sales are beasts! Damn near all purchases are made based on the price / offer.
A sale during season change is a juggernaut
Besides that, people typically shop based on what they have planned
Social media / trends can be highly influential when deciding to make a purchase
So now that you know what triggers purchases, stock up your store with our awesome deal wholesale clothing and wholesale accessories
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