Wholesale 101
Dangers of Online Seller: Buyer Harassing through Text Message
Hopefully you have taken the time to read all of our blog posts in our Dangers of Online Selling category because these articles teach you how to protect yourself and safely sell online. In todays post we are sharing yet another nightmare experienced that a Poshmark seller, nasturtium5, who we will call “Nat” experienced. Nat was just like any other Posh seller; happily listing and successfully selling merchandise without any major issues…. Until one day when she received a text message on
2nd Feb 2022
Dangers of Online Selling: Sellers Being Stalked on Instagram
We offer a ton of educational content for online sellers on our blog however if you asked me what content we post that is most important, I would absolutely tell you to read ALL of our Dangers of Online Selling posts because online selling can literally be a matter of life and death. You see, IRL (in real life) there are dangers but your dangers are limited to where you physically are however when your career is selling online you are opening yourself up to the entire world, and even thoug
19th Nov 2021
The Dangers of Online Selling: When a Buyer Stalks In Real Life (IRL)
If you are an online seller I truly hope you take the time to read all of the blog posts in this series because your life and business can literally depend on it. With that being said, here’s another installment of The Dangers of Online Selling: When an Online Buyer Stalks In Real Life.An online Seller who goes by the name PrivateSaleCraziness (“PSC”) had purchased an electronic online, and, when it arrived he realized he had bought the wrong thing, so he simply listed it for sale. The electro
13th Oct 2021
An Online Seller MUST READ: eBay Executives FOUND GUILTY of Cyber Stalking
This might be the craziest sh*t you have ever heard about eBay or executives, let alone eBay executives. In this true story James Baugh and David Harville went from eBay high-ups to crazed cyber stalking lunatics, according to Federal Prosecutors. Trust me, this tale would make the BEST EVER Netflix True Crime documentary! Get ready for a jaw-dropping blog post:In 2019, James Baugh was the former senior director of safety and security of eBay while David Harville was the former direc
7th Aug 2021