Wholesale 101
Online Sellers: How to Fight Back by Reporting Phishing & Spam Emails! Protect Your Buyers
Let's face it, we all get Spam emails. Many are just annoying but most are also very dangerous! Most people just put it in their Junk folder, but this isn't enough! As online sellers we all must help each other and it is our duty to protect our buyers in addition to the personal information we have regarding our buyers orders. After all, our buyers trusted us enough to order through us, so we must keep their details safe. When you come across a total scam email
10th Dec 2020
How to Report a Counterfeit Product or Knockoff Seller Online
STOP COUNTERFEITS! Counterfeit merchandise hurts EVERYONE! Fake merchandise sales take away from a purchase being made through the legitimate name brand. Here's how to report knockoffs from any .com website, Amazon, eBay, Poshmark or Etsy: HOW TO REPORT A PRODUCT YOU KNOW IS 100% FAKE / COUNTERFEITIf the counterfeit product IS FROM A WEBSITE that is NOT Amazon, eBay or Poshmark:
You can report suspicions concerning the manufacture or sale of counterfeit or pirated goods to the FBI
18th Nov 2020