Wholesale 101
Battle of Online Buyer Sob Stories - 3rd Edition
Welcome to our third edition of Battle of Buyer Sob Stories, where we rank Sob Stories sent to online Sellers in hopes of getting a discount.If you're not familiar with "Sob Stories" it's when a buyer reaches out to a seller to try to get a discount beyond what the listing is priced at and provides the seller with a story about how difficult their life is... because, apparently (they believe), the more difficult their life is, the lesser of a price they should pay for someone else's hard-earned
10th Feb 2022
Online Sellers: Battle of Buyer Sob Stories ~ 2nd Edition
Welcome to our second edition of Battle of Buyer Sob Stories, where we rank Sob Stories sent to online Sellers in hopes of getting a discount. If you're not familiar with "Sob Stories" its when a buyer reaches out to a seller to try to get a discount beyond what the listing is priced at. THE POINT SYSTEMWe judge each Sob Story based on only two criteria: Creativity and Believability. The buyer will earn a score of 1 through 5 points, based on how creative and unique their S
27th Jan 2022
Resellers: Top 9 Stupidest & Most Annoying Excuses Online Buyers Use to Not Pay
Today I just feel the need to rant, specifically about the commonly used excuses every online seller receives from buyers who don't want to live up to their end of the deal. For example; the buyer purchases your item then decides they don’t want to pay, or, while it is in transit they decide they no longer want it but they realize it is too late to cancel the transaction. So, here’s our list of Most Annoying Buyer Excuses, in no specific order. Enjoy ~Famous Excuse #1: IN THE HOSPITAL! - F
22nd Mar 2021