Wholesale 101
Dangers of Online Seller: Buyer Harassing through Text Message
Hopefully you have taken the time to read all of our blog posts in our Dangers of Online Selling category because these articles teach you how to protect yourself and safely sell online. In todays post we are sharing yet another nightmare experienced that a Poshmark seller, nasturtium5, who we will call “Nat” experienced. Nat was just like any other Posh seller; happily listing and successfully selling merchandise without any major issues…. Until one day when she received a text message on
2nd Feb 2022
Beware of Social Media Online Gift Exchange SCAMS
The BBB recently published a fantastic article outlining a new twist on an old crime that is leaving many people on social media not only suckered, but also with their personal information completely exposed. The scam is called a "Gift Exchange". I originally heard about these gift exchanges last year when my sister-in-law joined a group that did "Wine Surprise". Basically what it is, is everybody in the group posts their information and other people from the group prepare a win
6th Dec 2021
The Dangers of Online Selling: When a Buyer Stalks In Real Life (IRL)
If you are an online seller I truly hope you take the time to read all of the blog posts in this series because your life and business can literally depend on it. With that being said, here’s another installment of The Dangers of Online Selling: When an Online Buyer Stalks In Real Life.An online Seller who goes by the name PrivateSaleCraziness (“PSC”) had purchased an electronic online, and, when it arrived he realized he had bought the wrong thing, so he simply listed it for sale. The electro
13th Oct 2021
An Online Seller Called a Scam Buyers Bluff, AND WON!
Here’s a short but super interesting story for all of my fellow online sellers. If you have been selling online for 6 months or more, chances are you have had a buyer claim their order is missing items. Sometimes they claim a full item is missing, other times they try to convince you a part is missing from the single-item they purchased. Of course mistakes can happen but it’s usually pretty darn easy to see if you did not ship an item or you can look at the product photos and clearly see that
20th Aug 2021
Dangers Online Selling Local Pickups: Physical Violence Threats
As an online seller and blogger I love to consume content that relates to all-things-online-selling. And this one is no exception, because making money online is important but protecting yourself, your family and business is even more important than money. Here’s a can’t-miss true story, posted by a Reddit user that goes by This_Is_My_Story (Let’s call him “T.I.M. Shultz”)So, Tim’s wife was doing some “spring cleaning” and wanted to get rid of some excess clothing. Because Craislist is free a
16th Aug 2021