Wholesale 101
Online Sellers: How to Deal With Buyers Asking Personal Questions
I love browsing Reddit to find topics to blog about because in the past 16+ years of selling online I have so much experience dealing with just about every issue imaginable. So when I came across this thread about a Mercari seller feeling freaked out by a buyer question that felt a little too personal I thought this is the perfect topic to discuss.Heres the screenshot the Mercari seller posted:As you can see the buyer is asking for personal details over a $9 pokemon plush and I have to agree wi
14th Sep 2021
Online Selling Dangers: Buyer Turned Stalker
When I say “Horror Story”, I truly mean it. If you read my personal online seller horror story that I shared with you in May 2021, I hope it made you realize how something 100% innocent can turn into something completely terrifying. I also shared a genuinely scary video that details two eBay purchase stories that are so creepy you might not sleep tonight. Today I wanted to share with you a similar situation that happened to someone who posted their traumatic experience on Reddit because, as
6th Aug 2021