How to Download Our Product Videos (so You Can Keep Them)

How to Download Our Product Videos (so You Can Keep Them)

If you bought a wholesale lot from our website and want to download the video showing the exact products you purchased, or if you just want to download a video without buying, here’s how to do it in 6 simple steps 

(NOTE: You will need to download the video BEFORE you purchase the Lot.  As soon as the lot sells out, it will be removed from our website however it will still be available on our Vimeo page and Facebook):

STEP 1: Go to our site and click on the listing you want the video for. This will open the listing:

STEP  2: Scroll down the page to the DESCRIPTION section, where the video showing the products is located:

STEP 3: Click the SHARE icon on the right side of the screen. It looks like a paper airplane:

STEP  4: Here you can share the video through social media, however you want to CLICK on the link that says (the numbers in the link will always be different because every video is assigned a unique number):

STEP 5: You will be brought to the Vimeo website where you will see the video hosted. Scroll down past the video, to the DESCRIPTION area

STEP 6: Simply click DOWNLOAD:

Now you can select what QUALITY you want the video to be downloaded in. 360p is the lowest quality, but is great for bad / slow internet connections. 720p is good quality but still fairly fast on most urban internet connections:

High Definition 1920 is the best quality, but may be difficult for you to download if you do not have really good internet. If you want to learn more about Why Videos are Blurry and How to Fix Blurry Videoscheck out our blog post

Regardless of which quality you select, you will still be able to download the same video. The only difference between 360p and 1920p is the overall look. Most people complain that 360p seems “blurry”, and this is correct. It is lesser quality, on purpose, due to your internet connection not being able to support an HD video. 

That's it!!!

11th Feb 2022 Big Brand

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