Amazon Ungating Photo Basics: Colors, Product Size, Backdrops & More

Amazon Ungating Photo Basics: Colors, Product Size, Backdrops & More

Hopefully you read Part 1 of this article Amazon Photo Size, File Type, File Name and More but now it is time to learn about the actual photo-taking process guidelines.  In todays article we will discuss backdrops, zoom-in, colors, text and more; learn how to sell on Amazon or get ungated!  Lets begin...

Since you already learned about the file name, the file type and photo size, today we are moving on to the next step which is going to teach you how to physically take (and edit, if needed) the actual product images for Amazon.  


On your own website, eBay, Bonanza, etc you can have beautiful, awesome photographs with backdrops, props and more but on Amazon everything has to be very uniform so it doesn't *look* like millions of different sellers.  When you take a photo for Amazon the main product image needs to show ONLY the item for sale with no props or background.  Here is an example of a listing for beautiful dark wood fencing:

As you can see from the photo above, another requirement is that the item for sale MUST TAKE UP 85% OR MORE of the image with NO background image. Additionally, the full product must be shown and there cannot be any text or other graphics:

Personally, I happen to love the second image shown above (the one with the red X / Rejection... *frowny face*) but this is not okay with Amazon for the *MAIN* product image to be "fun"...  however you are welcome to use props, backdrops, text, etc for additional images that are not the main image. 


Amazon wants your image must be in focus (no chic-style photos with that artistic blur). It also must be professionally lit and photographed with realistic color, and smooth edges.  So here's a few more "don'ts":

You want to avoid all frames, fade edges, decor, pizzazz, over-processing and poor lighting.  Basically, you want a super-mega-basic photo.  Your background need to be white-white-white.  In fact Amazon even has a specific color code for the shade of white, which is RGB 255,255,255.  If you are wondering what this means, let me show you:

If you are not a computer wiz but like to learn new things, I strongly encourage you to purchase Photo Impact.  Its a VERY SIMPLE software program that will help you easily perform the editing that professionals do, without having to know everything.  Photo Impact is a VERY BASIC program that has pretty much every feature you will ever need for general editing.  It does take a little time to learn but it is probably the absolute easiest editing program of all time.  In my opinion, the older versions are the best due to simplicity.


Your additional photos can be more creative. You can have backdrops, props, measurements or whatever else you need to sell your merchandise as long as the images all are properly named, sized and meet the image requirements shown in this article. 

Want more information on Amazon Ungating? Check out our Step by Step Amazon Ungating Guide

or, check out our other Amazon & eCommerce detailed guides:

13th Feb 2020 Big Brand

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