When We Owned Boutique Retail Stores, Here's What They Looked Like

When We Owned Boutique Retail Stores, Here's What They Looked Like

People often ask if they should open a physical store or an online store, my immediate answer is "ONLINE!!!" because the cost is substantially less and the headache is more of a common headache versus a never-ending migraine. With that being said, here's some pics for you to see of the stores I created:

*NOTE:  Please keep in mind these photos are many years old, so the quality is not going to be what it is today.  With that being said, enjoy! - 

Shown above is the street sign that is approx 8' long.  It was designed after me (perhaps because I'm conceded or perhaps because it just looked awesome, either way, I LOVE IT and, to this day, I still love it!).  Here's me:

Quite honestly, I was super excited that they made me look so pretty  :) 

So here's my first retail store:


One of the most flattering compliments I would receive is the number of people who would say "This is so amazing! I wish my bedroom looked like this!"


Both stores got in lots of AMAZING guests.  One of my fav's from Farmington was Miss Farmington.  Here's her in some of our clothing:

You can see that as time went on I was able to really decorate the store and make it mega-posh:

If you want even more pics, check out my whole About Me page.  

Love this blog post?  Next Read:  How to Deal with Batsh*t Crazy Buyers - trust us, it's worth your time!

14th May 2021 Big Brand

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