Top 15 Reasons Your Credit Card is DECLINED & How to Fix It Right Now!

Top 15 Reasons Your Credit Card is DECLINED & How to Fix It Right Now!

If you are new to buying wholesale online, if you just got a new card or if something is wrong with your card, there is a good chance you are frustrated because you can’t place your order. In this article we will discuss how to resolve the issue so you can get your merchandise ASAP!

Your credit card company can see every time you attempted to pay for something, including declined transactions. So never hesitate to call them and ask why your transaction didn’t go through because they can look right at it and tell you!!! Each time a transaction is declined there is a numeric code that goes with it and the credit card company can look at the code and tell you exactly what it means.

Obviously (or hopefully obviously) make sure you activated your card. If it just arrived in the mail you have to activate it. We are going to assume you did so let’s continue…

  1. The card is brand new. (or a new replacement of an old card). If your card just arrived and this is your first purchase you likely need to call the number on the back of the card and let them know it’s a legitimate transaction. A new card will often block all transactions over $100 / $200. As soon as you call and verify you can retry the purchase and it will go through.  The bank does this so just in case someone stole your mail they can't rack up debt for you. SOLUTION: Call number on back of card and verify purchase.
  2. You have a low threshold set. Most cards will automatically block transactions over a certain amount (typically $300 or $500). So if you don’t usually order expansive stuff all you have to do is call the number on the back of your card and ask why they are blocking the payment. SOLUTION: Call number on back of card and verify purchase. 
  3. The BILLING information does not match the credit card. Most websites use “Fraud Prevention Technology” to prevent scammers from placing bogus orders in effort to steal merchandise. This does impact legitimate transactions because it means that if your address, zip code or CVC code does not match the credit card it will likely be declined or flagged for fraud. IF YOU WANT YOUR ORDER SHIPPED TO A DIFFERENT ADDRESS, you need to enter the BILLING address that matches the credit card and make the SHIPPING address where you would like it to be mailed to. SOLUTION: Log in to your bank account and see if the BILLING address matches. 
  4. You could have also typed the credit card numbers, CVC or expiration date incorrectly. A single error will render the transaction invalid.  SOLUTION: Get your card out and look to see if the information you are typing is an EXACT match.
  5. If you are using IP Blocking programs (or "anonymous browsing") to hide your internet activity, this can also trigger declines. IP blocking program work by skuing your location and identity so websites can’t track you. So lets say you are in Texas and using a Tracking Blocking program (like Brave or ExpressVPN or CyberGhost) when you place your order the IP address will register as a different location, such as Germany. This will automatically trigger Fraud Prevention technology because scammers also always use IP blockers. IF you wish to block tracking while placing orders, it is best to pay using a verified intity such as Pay Pal, Google Pay, Amazon Pay or Apple Pay.  SOLUTION: Turn off IP Blocker or use PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Wallet, etc
  6. Insufficient funds. If you look at your statement now you may think you have enough money to buy the merchandise but, make sure you look at the “available funds” section. “Available” is an area in your account that shows the SPENDABLE amount, minus “pending” charges, fees or other costs. If your account total balance is $5,000 but the “available” amount is $4,000, you will only be able to make a purchase for $4,000 or less, even though your account shows $5,000.  SOLUTION: Log into your bank or credit card account and look for "Available Funds".
  7. Additionally, if you just deposited a check this morning it may not have cleared yet, so even though the heck was for $500 doesn't mean you have $500 to spend right now.  And if you deposited the check on Saturday it can take until Monday to clear. SOLUTION: Log into your bank or credit card account and look for "Available Funds".
  8. On that note, if there is a “hold” on funds this will decrease your spendable amount. For example, if you rented a vacation home or a car, there is a hold put on your card. Even though this money isn’t actually “spent” it is locked temporarily and therefore unavailable even though you haven’t truly spent it. These temp holds typically drop off your statement within 3-5 days.  SOLUTION: Log into your bank or credit card account and look for "Available Funds".
  9. Pending Transactions are equivalent to a hold, but they drop off your card typically around midnight of that day. A transaction is pending when you have made a purchase OR when you attempted to make a purchase but the transaction was rejected. This means if you attempt to run the card 4 times for $100 each, you may have a $400 hold on the card right now. But if the transactions were all rejected these funds will be released around midnight. Why? Because around midnight a “batch out” occurs. A “batch” is when all of the merchants transactions are processed by the bank. Invalid transactions (such as your reject payment) are officially voided and valid transactions are officially processed, meaning the seller officially gets the money.  SOLUTION: Log into your bank or credit card account and look for "Available Funds".
  10. Card Numbers STOLEN! This is a HUGE ISSUE, especially if your card is a Visa. My card numbers have been hacked almost 20 times in 5 years! What’s crazy is that my MasterCard, PayPal Debit and Amazon cards have NEVER been hacked, yet the Visa numbers are stolen on a regular basis. It is exceptionally frustrating.   When your card numbers are hijacked the credit card company will block all future transactions UNTIL YOU CALL THEM. You can contact them by dialing the number on the back of your credit card. What is the most frustrating is that the credit card company often will not bother to contact you to let you know your card is blocked, even IF you are signed up for “notify me” / “text message transaction updates”.  SOLUTION: Call the number on the back of your card ASAP!!!!  The bank will immediately cancel your card, void the fraudulent payments and send you a brand new card.  In the meantime you will have to find other methods of payment for purchases. 
  11. “Bank Decline”. This means your banking institution decided to decline the transaction. For example, if you have a debit card linked to an Ally or Chase bank account, the bank decided to reject it. Usually the bank declines it based on location; for example, if you live in Ohio but you are on vacation in Mexico, the bank will block the transaction. The only way to know why is to call the bank and ask. Also, if you plan to vacation, log into your bank account and add your travel destination so transactions are not blocked.
  12. Are you up to date on your credit card payments? If you have missed payments its absolutely possible your past-due bill is rendering your credit card useless because it is literally shut off. SOLUTION: To see if payment is due or past-due log-in directly to your credit card account and view the Billing section.
  13. Card expired! Check the expiration date on the actual card. If you are using a 3rd party payment source, such a Pay Pal, Amazon Pay or Google Wallet, make sure the card you have linked to it isn’t expired!  SOLUTION:  Look at your card or log directly into the 3rd party provider (i.e: PayPal) and check "payment sources" to see if the card is no longer valid.
  14. Does your card belong to a different master account? For example, if you are married and you share a joint account with your spouse, if THEY trigger fraud prevention technology via one of their purchases or if they have a hold on funds or even cancel the card this will impact your ability to make purchases. SOLUTION: Contact the individual that holds the master account and ask if any kind of issue has occurred. 
  15. It is always possible your account could have been closed if you have not been using your card, if the account holder closed it or even if the bank made a mistake.  Also, an account cold be terminated if you broke the "Card Holder Agreement".  An example of breaking an agreement would be allowing other people to use your card, filing frivolous chargebacks (fraud) or other issues that should not be occurring.  SOLUTION: You can first login to your credit card account and see if everything looks okay.  If it does, try paying for your transaction again. If it is still rejected, call the number on the back of your card. 
2nd Mar 2020 Big Brand

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