Steps to Take When a USPS Parcel Seems Lost in Transit (Tracking Not Updating)
We have shipped through USPS for 15 years because, usually, there are virtually no issues. Additionally, the rates we get are low enough that we are able to offer our buyers located in the USA “Free Shipping” on all purchases. But, every once in a while a Tracking Number just stops updating. So here’s every step to take to try to have a parcel located.
First, there is no reason to freak out because panic does not help you, in fact, it makes things worse. So, take a deep breath and just follow this process. If you shipped your parcel during COVID-19, take note that ALL USPS facilities are taking much longer than usual, especially USPS facilities in states with total lockdowns, such as Michigan. Once the economy is fully open the issues should be resolved.
There is nothing you can really do until the parcel has gone 7 days with non-delivery, even if you paid for Priority Mail Shipping. Yes, it is *supposed* to be “2-3 days” but Priority Mail is not “guaranteed” mail, meaning that it can indeed take longer than a couple days to arrive and USPS does not "owe" the shipper anything for the additional transit time.
Step 1: On the 8th day of non-delivery, File a “Missing Mail Search”. You need the Tracking Number and order information. On the Missing Mail page, SCROLL DOWN, past “Check Tracking” and PAST “Complete a Help Request”:
You want to go down to the bottom of the page where it says “Missing Mail”, it is Section #3 that looks like this, then click on the blue icon that says "Start Your Missing Mail Search". Make sure you have the order information before you start your search because you will need all of the details to have a successful search performed for you:
If it has not been 8 days, you usually will NOT be able to perform a Missing Mail Search. USPS will usually block you from filing.
If it is the 8th day, you have to decide if you want the parcel returned to you OR if you still want it delivered to the buyer. In some cases, if the buyer is not a reasonable person, it might be easier to issue a refund to the buyer and have the parcel “Returned to Sender”. So, at this time, you may want to ask your buyer if they would prefer to wait another week to see if it arrives or if they would like a refund and you will try to have the parcel returned to you. Make sure the buyer knows that it won’t be found today; its going to take a couple days, minimum. See if they are okay with waiting longer.
Now you can login to USPS and start you Missing Mail search. Make sure when you fill out the form, in the section called “Describe YOUR ITEM” that you tell USPS WHAT THE PARCEL LOOKS LIKE!!!
For example, we tell USPS “Blue Poly Mailer with White Tape that says BIG BRAND WHOLESALE”. Then, below this section, UPLOAD A PHOTO OF THE PARCEL!! Chances are you always ship in the same style of packaging.
Hopefully there is SOMETHING somewhat noticeable about your packaging so it is easier for USPS to find. If there is nothing unique about your parcel, I strongly suggest getting a special colored tape or something that offers a way to easily identify your parcel. You can get colored tape on Amazon:
(Awesome American Flag tape - 6 Rolls for about $24)
6-pack of FRAGILE tape not only help identify your parcel but also remind the carrier to handle with care. This 6 pack is under $20:
Or you can choose to go with a solid color tape. These come in a variety of bold colors and will cost only around $27 for 6 rolls:
Now keep in mind that you can still use your regular clear tape or kraft brown as your main tape, but adding an identifiable color wrapped around both sides of your parcel does exceptionally help with missing mail. Here’s what our parcels look like:
As you can see, it is very easily identifiable, so 99.9% of our Missing Mail searches never result in an insurance claim. Yes, adding the additional tape does cost a little more and does take a little more time BUT it's cheaper than losing out on Missing Mail and an angry buyer.
STEP 2: Now that the Missing Mail search has been filed, USPS will begin looking for your parcel. As mentioned, they usually do locate it, especially if the parcel is easy to spot. Make sure you Sign Up for Tracking Number Notification Updates on the Parcel (it’s free and easy!) so as soon as it is located you know without having to keep checking tracking. You can also sign your buyer up so they don’t have to keep checking Tracking Either.
STEP 3: If the parcel has not been scanned again, on the 16th day of non-delivery you can file an insurance claim. IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW:
- Even if you didn’t add insurance, make sure you file a claim anyways if you shipped the parcel via Priority Mail because you likely WILL receive a check! USPS will not reimburse you for shipping costs but you should be able to recuperate something.
- As soon as the claim is approved, you will NEVER GET THE INVENTORY BACK. If the parcel is located, it is sent to USPS Virginia facility to be auctioned off in their “Lost Mail” auctions. So, if you are hoping it will come back to you eventually, it NEVER will. If the merchandise in question is rare or expensive, you may want to wait another month to see if it arrives back to you before filing the claim. BUT, you have to file the claim before the 60th day after shipment was made or it will be ineligible.
- If you choose to wait, you can also throw a Hail Mary and also file a “Help Ticket” here. Whatever information you provide is sent directly to the USPS facility who touched the parcel first. So if you handed the parcel to a carrier in Wayne, Michigan 48184, the Help Ticket will be sent to Wayne Michigan USPS for them to investigate, regardless of where the last scan occurred.
If you have decided you want to proceed with the insurance claim, here’s how to do it:
Currently (5.2520), due to COVID-19, it appears USPS is not allowing insurance claims because MOST parcels are running very far behind schedule. But when things are normal, you can file a claim here. When filing your claim, make sure you attach a copy of the actual INVOICE. Do NOT get a screenshot of the “order screen” or the credit card transaction. USPS needs to see the full purchase. You can upload the invoice as a PDF file if you want.
STEP 4: Now it’s time to wait. One of two things will happen next:
USPS will approve the claim and send you a check. It can take forever to get the check, other times it arrives faster (faster means 30 days). If you get a lot of junk mail, make sure you keep an eye out for a plain white envelope with the plastic window area. The check is usually light blue.
OR, USPS will deny the claim. The most common reasons for denial are:
You clicked the wrong icon during the insurance claim process. Make sure you select “LOST MAIL”, not “Missing Contents” or other options.
- The parcel isn’t eligible for a claim; over 60 days has passed or other reasons
- You provided a screenshot of the purchase instead of an invoice
- You did not upload enough information. Make sure you add a photo of the listing, if possible as well as a photo of the merchandise (use the photo from your listing).
- USPS has no record of the parcel. This might mean you totally forgot that it's still sitting on your table but this could also mean that USPS does have it and never scanned it in. This can occur when you put your parcels into a drop box at USPS or when using Scan Sheets or even if you hand it to your mail carrier and they just don't scan it. This is a really awful situation for the seller because the claim WILL almost always be denied even though USPS really does have your property. If you realize that this is happening often to you, your only options are to literally insist they scan every parcel in front of you OR drive the parcels to a different post office. We had to take the 2nd option because our carriers outright REFUSED to scan parcels in. They would always "promise" to scan them that day and it just wouldn't happen. Additionally, not scanning in can be a result of the carrier actually scanning it BUT selecting the wrong option from the drop-down menu on their scanner-gun. If this occurs, the tracking number will say "ACCEPTED: PENDING ACCEPTANCE". Even though the tracking number says "ACCEPTED" USPS can still outright deny having possession of the parcel because it also says "PENDING". Again, this is purely a result of the carrier clicking the wrong icon after using a Scan Sheet. If you are dealing with this issue on a regular basis, the simple solution is to refuse to use scan sheets because when the carrier directly scans the parcel (without a Scan Sheet) it will immediately scan as fully accepted and "in possession of USPS".
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