Online Sellers: STOP Using Fabric Softener Dryer Sheets in Your Outgoing Orders!

Online Sellers: STOP Using Fabric Softener Dryer Sheets in Your Outgoing Orders!

If you’re an online seller of fabulous secondhand items and you have been using Fabric Softener Dryer Sheets, you really should reconsider some SAFER options… yes, I said SAFER. Check out these mind blowing facts about the dangers of Fabric Softener Sheets:


  • In a 2016 study, Steinemann found 12.5 percent of people blamed scented laundry products spewing from dryer vents for health issues. These include ailments like respiratory issues, runny noses, asthma attacks, skin issues, migraines and even gastrointestinal symptoms.
  • Forty-four percent of scented laundry products tested spewed at least one carcinogenic hazardous air pollutant. Some of these include acetaldehyde, 1,4-dioxane and formaldehyde.
  • In a study focusing on hormone disruptors and asthma triggers in everyday products, Silent Spring Institute researchers found dryer sheets contained some of the highest concentrations of harmful fragrance chemicals.
  • According to EcoWatch, dryer sheets often contain quaternary ammonium compounds, which can trigger asthma attacks.
  • Yes, you can literally MAKE YOUR BUYER SICK by trying to make the thrift store dress smell like Ocean Breeze.  Not cool, bro!  And based on this data, out of 100 orders you ship using dryer sheets, 12-13 people ARE going to have a reaction.  YIKES! 


Check out our blog post 6 NATURAL Ways to Remove Odors and Freshen Up Second Hand Clothing to Sell


13th Apr 2021 Big Brand

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