Online Sellers: How to Get to the "Next Level" When You Already Have Daily Sales
CONGRATS TO YOU! You are ready for the next step! Today I will guide you through it!
If you have been successfully selling merchandise online and this exact realization has hit you:
“I am only 1 person. I work non stop, but I see that the more I list, the more I sell. How can I list more without the ability to clone myself?”
I look at online selling like a video game. Level 1 is when you’re learning how to play the game. You stumble through it, make a bunch of mistakes, get frustrated, maybe even throw the controller.
But then you come back and try playing it again and things start to go smooth. You beat Level 1 and you’re sooooo happy! Now that you beat the first world, you think “This really isn’t as hard as I thought!”
Then Level 2 is when you realize you might actually be really good at this game because it’s not as confusing as Level 1 since you learned how to play, even though Level 2 is a tougher level as a whole. You stay focused and push through; the game throws flaming arrows at you and you duck and when the monsters come, you slay them like a pro. You high-five yourself when you defeat the boss.
Now you’re at Level 3 and you really have a grasp on things but you just can’t figure out how to beat this level no matter how hard you try. You have looked for cheat codes online and they’re not helping. Even though you’re sailing through the level, you can’t figure out where the end of this realm is, and you know you desperately want to reach L4. It's driving you crazy and making you upset. You're not alone... here's proof:
- If this is you; we have ALL been there. So here’s the “Cheat Code” you have been seeking…. And, like it all games, it’s been right in front of your face this whole time, you just didn’t realize it….
DUPLICATES AND VARIATIONS. … yep, that’s the entire solution. See, I told you it was there all along! And here’s why I absolutely promise this is the answer:
Let’s say you list 1 totally awesome, size Large blue sweater. I mean, it’s a really great sweater. You take your beautiful photo, you create your elegant listing….and, as expected, it sells out almost as soon as you list it. Boom! $29.99 for you! *happy dance*
So you ship your sweater and… well, that’s that. Time to list more, right?
BUT, let’s jump in a time machine and go back to the hour before you started listing that bad ass sweater…
This time, instead of having 1 size Large Blue extravagant sweater, you have 3. You still take your perfect photo and construct your award-winning product description, and, because fate is fate, Boom! $29.99 as soon as you list it. But, what’s different this time is that you still have 2 more to sell… but you don’t need to do any more work because the phenomenal photo and history-making description is the same. Boom! It sells again! $29.99 more for you.
The 3rd sweater listing doesn’t sell out right away. In fact, it sits for 3 months until one day, a wonderfully witty woman from Wyoming who wears wacky white wigs, wobbles to her computer and has the wherewithal to win your sweater auction on a whim while eating wafers and waffles with her wombat! Boom! ANOTHER $29.99 for youz! Your legs are now literally sore from doing the happy dance. If this keeps up youre going to have to buy a Hoveround. Because you sold the same work 3 times, you have actually made almost $90 off 1 effort.
Now, let’s get back into that time machine again (I know, you’re super busy listing but I have one more thing to show you, ok? Just get in!)
We are now back to the same hour before you list the jaw-dropping size Large blue sweater, but this time you have:
- 3 Blue in Size Large
- 3 Blue in Size Medium
- 1 Blue in Size Small.
Again, you are doing the same amount of work. You are still taking your National-Geographic-Quality photos. You are still writing your Awe-Inspiring product description. But this time you end up with 7 total BOOMS which equals $293.93…. Off 1 effort.
The next secret is Product Variants / Product Variations. This can be the same sweater in a different color or a different neckline. So this time you have:
- 3 Blue in Size Large
- 3 Blue in Size Medium
- 1 Blue in Size Small.
- 2 Pink in Extra Large
- 1 Pink in Medium
- 4 Pink in Extra Small
That list equals enough Booms to make ya think it’s the 4th of July! When these 19 pieces sell you’ll rake in ALMOST $570! ….off 1 effort.
The other alternative is to keep looking for the way to clone yourself. If you figure out how, please let us know right away! But, until you successfully make the clone, shop our Product Category called DUPLICATES AND VARIATIONS ... and be sure to order some earplugs off Amazon because there's a lot of BOOM coming your way!
- Happy selling!
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