Online Sellers:  Certificate of Authenticity When Buying Wholesale EXPLAINED

Online Sellers: Certificate of Authenticity When Buying Wholesale EXPLAINED

We are often asked by new wholesale buyers if the merchandise we sell comes with Certificates of Authenticity or a Letter of Authenticity, so today we are going to discuss this. Let’s go!


Let me ask you this; when you buy a Tommy Hilfiger shirt from the store, does it come with any form of paperwork? Of course you get a receipt for your purchase, but the retail store doesn’t provide you with anything more; they don’t give you a plaque to hang on your wall and they sure don’t fill out forms for you. With this is mind; we buy truckloads of extra stock (liquidations) directly from designer stores, so we are also not provided with anything extra, therefore we do not have anything to pass along to you. We do get an invoice from the store we buy through but we are not given any paperwork to accompany the items within the truckload, just how JC Penny doesn't give you anything extra to prove the Adidas hoodie you bought on clearance was "the real deal". 

On that note, some items do indeed come with a little Authenticity card, however these types of cards do not come with everything, they are only made for really big brands, such as Versace, Gucci, Prada, etc. This means that a Victorias Secret perfume does not come with any form of authenticity paperwork, neither does a Calvin Klein hoodie.

Additionally, we specialize in liquidations, so it is possible that an item that was supposed to have an Authenticity Card no longer has it (however, for the most part they usually do come with them). This can occur because it literally fell out of the item, or it could have fallen off a garment when someone tried it on in the fitting room or it could have flat out been stolen by a dishonest person who wants to add it to their non-authentic item.

IMPORTANT TIP: If a liquidator is selling stuff like Bath and Body Works and they are offering “Certificates of Authenticity” they are just making it up. Like literally, they are typing up the document for you that means absolutely nothing at all. And the fact that a seller would even offer you something that doesn’t exist is deceptive as a whole, so if you do see a seller offering to provide Certificates of Authenticity on items that aren’t manufactured with them… RUN! DO NOT BUY THROUGH THEM! 

ANOTHER TIP (ALSO VERY IMPORTANT!!!)  A Certificate of Authenticity does NOT mean the item is legit... unfortunately  :(   These are now for sale all over the internet, especially eBay.  It is disgusting because there is absolutely NO REASON to ever buy these other than to cheat people.  So sad!:

LAST TIP:  There's even COUNTERFEIT Certificates of Authenticity!!  (Thanks to for the great photo!)

Love this blog post?  Next Read:  The 15 Most Knocked-Off Brands in the World!

13th Jan 2021 Big Brand

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