Not Seeing Our Videos on Facebook? How to Adjust Your Feed Settings
We often have people contact us to ask why we have not posted any new merchandise videos. The truth is we do post new listings, 7 days a week, approximately 350 days per year! So if you're not seeing our new posts on Facebook it's because FB unfortunately decided to change how your feed is shown to you.
For some bizarre reason Mark Zuckerberg decided that it would make the most sense to change your feed so you see what FB considers to be "most interesting" instead of "newest first". Also unfortunately, Facebook didn't really explain to people that they made this adjustment, so most people had no clue that they are often looking at OLD content, instead of NEW content. Clearly this is very problematic when you follow a business... or anything really. What good does it do to find out on Tuesday that on Monday the company had a massive sale? Or to discover at 10pm that your aunt was rushed to the hospital at 8am. So here's how to adjust your feed settings and change it back to normal, meaning, see newest posts first:
Click in the top right of Facebook.
Select Settings and Privacy
Click News Feed Preferences
Click any of the following options to adjust your News Feed preferences. Here you can Manage Favorites to select people and Pages that you want to prioritize. This means their posts will be shown higher in your News Feed, and you'll see their newest posts first. Learn about Favorites.
NOTE: Many people complain that when they exit Facebook, their display defaults back to the stupid "Most Interesting First". This means you may have to follow these steps EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU LOGIN TO FACEBOOK. Other people say that once you change the settings a single time you won't have to adjust it again for quite a while. My personal suggestion to you would be, if you are trying to see our new product videos and it is a weekday (Monday - Friday), we post new product videos from approximately noon EST until 3pm EST (sometimes as late as 5:30pm EST, depending how much we have to list). So, if it is 1pm EST and you are not seeing any new listings it is likely because you need to follow these directions and change your Facebook Sort Order. Yes, I absolutely agree it is a pain in the arse however we have no control over the decisions Facebook makes.
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