How to Find Out Cost for Pallet Delivery / Freight Shipping

How to Find Out Cost for Pallet Delivery / Freight Shipping

If you want to know how much it will cost to have a pallet delivered to your home or business, here’s how to find out:


- The sellers address for picking up the pallet

- The address you will be having it delivered to *If you live in an apartment or a sub division with a Home Owners Association you may have to ask a relative or friend if they mind if you have it delivered to their house.

- The size and weight of the pallet

- What type of merchandise it is as well as the approximate value (meaning the amount you will be paying to buy it, although many people provide the total value. For example, if the pallet contains $30,000 worth of mens jeans versus if you are paying $2,500 for the jeans)

- If a LIFT GATE is needed. If you do not have a loading dock or a Hi-Low you will need a lift gate.  *We will discuss this more in a second


Go to FreightZ’s quote page and fill out the simple form.

Preferred Mode: Less than a truckload (LTL / Air)

Location Is:

Originating Details: If it is coming from us you want to select “Business without Dock”. If it is coming from a different seller, ask them which category their warehouse is.  Our address is :

3441 Filbert

Wayne MI 48184

Destination Location: If you are having this delivered to a home, select “Residential or Limited Access”


New Commercial Goods (unless you are buying used things)

How it is Packed: STANDARD PALLET

How Many? 1 (unless you are buying 2 or more pallets)

Stackable? (Leave blank / do not check the box)

Freight Class: If it's clothing, select "175".  If it's other stuff, like auto parts or bricks, here's a list you can use to find the correct Freight Code

Special Services: Leave Blank

Now you will have an approximate idea of how much it will cost. If you want to compare rates you can also get a quote from CH Robinson / FreightQuote and other companies. Surprisingly the quotes can be quite different so it’s worth getting 2 quotes however I am a huge fan of FreightZ because they reply FAST and they truly care.  

Oh, and if you don't want to fill out the online form, you can call FreightZ directly at 800-736-4633.

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17th May 2021 Big Brand

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