How to Bust a Mail Carrier Who Won't Deliver (Missed Delivery Cards Left)

How to Bust a Mail Carrier Who Won't Deliver (Missed Delivery Cards Left)

As an online buyer or seller, I'm sure you have had to deal with this issue; the famous little post-it-type-note that says “You Missed Your Delivery”, then tells you to come pick it up from the post office or to reschedule delivery. This situation sucks, but it’s the WORST EVER when you have indeed been waiting at home, all day long, to get the parcel. Well this online buyer had enough and chose to take action!

This particular online purchaser, CalmCauliflower3135, who we will call Sarah, was off work in 2020 due to the pandemic, yet still never once heard a delivery knock on her door, yet continued to find that damn Post-It note stuck to her door, stating she wasn't home when they tried to deliver.

Being that Sarah never left home because her state was on “Covid Lockdown” she knew there was something screwy taking place because she never heard a knock on the door, so she decided to contact the post office to complain.

The post office gave Sarah the usual speech, “You probably didn’t hear the door knock” and they even went as far as saying there’s really “NO PROOF” that the carrier isn’t attempting to deliver, but Sarah was overwhelmed with EVERY SINGLE DELIVERY to her home resulting in the stupid “Come pick it up” notice. So she decided to set up a “Sting”.

Sarah then ordered more merchandise online and watched the tracking number like a hawk. When she saw the tracking showed as “Out for Delivery” she grabbed her fully charged cell phone and sat in her vehicle, which she had moved across the street to conceal.

Sarah proceeded to sit….and sit….and sit...and watch. After 6 hours of waiting the mail carrier pulled up in his mail truck. She immediately hit the Record button on her phone and began filming.

Sure enough, the mail carrier stepped out of the vehicle, with the Post-It-Note already filled out and in-hand. He proceeded to walk up to her door and apply the note to the door without ever attempting to knock or ring the bell.

As soon as the carrier turned back to head to his vehicle Sarah sprang out of her car and questioned him. “What are you doing?” she asked.

“Just delivering packages”, he replied.

She then showed him that she had recorded the entire scam on her phone and demanded her parcel.

He quickly shuffled to the mail truck, opened the back door and proceeded to look for her package.

After this issue Sarah sent the video to the post office so they would finally have the PROOF which they insisted there was none of… and sure enough, a couple days later Sarah had a new mail carrier actually DELIVERING her parcels!


  • Sometimes you have to take matters into your own hands
  • If you can never get your parcels delivered, get a video doorbell that motion records or take a day off work to record!  
25th Aug 2021 Big Brand

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