eCommerce: The Most Popular Colors of Clothing People Buy!
What a fascinating topic! I have always wanted to take the time to write this article, so I refuse to put it off another moment… Let’s jump right in!
If you are an online sellers, this is data you absolutely should learn! Although all colors, patterns and styles sell, why not get to know your buyer more?
First, What are the most popular “favorite colors” in general?
Did you know blue is the most popular color for both men and women? When we changed our company name and logo in 2019, this was the reason why we switched from Pink to Blue. Who doesn’t like blue?!
The most unpopular color for men is brown.
The most unpopular color for women is orange.
BUT, even though Blue is listed as “Most favorite”, it surprisingly is not the #1 clothing color seller! Can you guess what color is most worn / purchased? Black! In fact, researchers looked at 12,000 Tinder profile pictures and it turns out that 30.6 percent of women and 32.3 percent of men wear black! Whats the 2nd most popular color? White! A little under 15% of people wear white regularly. So, if you combine basic-black and basic-white favs, you end up with over 40% of people! Now here’s where it gets even more interesting…
56.2 percent of women and 72 percent of men stick to neutral colors. The reason this is interesting is because they’re soooooo many “colors” of “neutral”, take a peek:
(chart compliments of
So even though the largest portion of people tend to wear Neutrals, there are so many variables that it is impossible to say specifically WHICH Neutral they buy most. And what I find even more fascinating is that men report disliking brown the most, yet it is one of the colors they wear on the reg. Perhaps because mens clothing isn’t usually as colorful as womens? Hmmmm. Maybe?
BUT, the most popular clothing colors in terms of what exactly people BUY tends to shift when it comes to t-shirts. According to, the most commonly bought tee colors are, in this exact order:
- Navy Blue
- Black
- Heather Grey
Would you belive that 66% of ALL t-shirt sales are made off these 3 colors?!? White isn’t even in the top 3! But, White is in the Top 8 which consist of the three we discussed in addition to:
- White
- Royal Blue
- Green
- Red
- Bordeaux (wine color)
Now, if you aren’t already super-friggin-amused by this article, here’s the icing on the cake: The hottest colors of 2020:
As you can see, this year the hottest colors appear to be rich, somewhat “bold” shades. They’re so summery and wonderful!! I just adore “Biscayne Green” on the first row, right side. It reminds me of the beautiful, tropical Bahamas.
If you loved this article, next check out How to Increase Your Womens Clothing Sales
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