Carvana Investigation Part 3: SilverRock Warranty Fraud?

Carvana Investigation Part 3: SilverRock Warranty Fraud?

This investigation started with a website called eCommerce Bytes getting an email from a reader that said eBay is colluding with Carvana to artificially inflate Cavanas (bad) feedback rating, and quickly evolved into numerous days of uncovering all kinds of oddities surrounding Carvana. 

Before reading Part 3 we encourage you to read Part 1 and Part 2.  Don't worry, Part 1 will bring you to Part 2 and Part 2 will bring you right back to this page. 

In todays installment of this series we are going to discuss SilverRock, which is the "warranty" company that Carvana claims to "work with" to provide buyers paid protection programs.  Let's get right into it:

A YouTube content creator pointed out that when you purchase a vehicle through Carvana, the one and only, warranty offering is SilverRock protection.  SilverRock claims to offer protection for 1,500 miles or 30 days (whichever comes first).  OR, you can opt for a premium SilverRock protection that can cover limited repairs for up to 5 years.  Although it is very common for car sales companies to offer warranties, it is not common for the company to have seemingly endless terrible reviews about the warranty company being a complete nightmare.  In fact, the vast majority of the negative reviews regarding SilverRock claim that when they try to make a claim they are sent in circles, being forced to bounce back and forth between Carvana and SilverRock, and never being able to speak to the same representative twice.  Reviews continue on to say that the back-and-forth is extra time consuming because SilverRock claims they have to contact Carvana to verify details, then Carvana claims they are waiting on SilverRock.  This wild goose chase continues until the 30 Days of Warranty have elapsed, thus leaving the frustrated buyer stuck with having to pay out of pocket for what was supposed to be covered, hence the entire purpose of the warranty.  I know, you're probably thinking, "Ok, well SilverRock must just be a lousy company"... but it's deeper than that.  All evidence points to SilverRock IS Carvana.  In fact, as of January 2022, if you contact SilverRock and ask how you can offer their program at your car lot, they will tell you they only provide warranties for Carvana.  In fact, SilverRocks address is a PO Box (P.O. Box 29087 Phoenix, AZ 85038-9087.... yes, their address is a PO Box. Seriously) and Carvanas address is approximately 11 minutes away:

And, if you want to keep an open mind and still believe that there is no direct link between the two companies, if you read SilverRocks "About" Page, it says "SilverRock is a technology oriented company looking to innovate the warranty industry. SilverRock is backed by a $4.5 Billion finance company that also owns 144 auto dealerships."

While I think we can all agree that there is nothing wrong with a company owning two different businesses, in this case it is a conflict of interest to the point that it probably SHOULD be illegal.  Regardless of the legality, it 100% explains why people are sent in circles while the clock runs out of time on the warranty; because the dealer is the warranter, they don't have anyone to answer to.  

Next: Carvana Investigation Part 4: Lawsuits, Class Actions, Banned and Suspended from States

9th Jan 2022 Big Brand

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