7 Words You Can No Longer Use in Your Amazon Listings

7 Words You Can No Longer Use in Your Amazon Listings

Amazon has recently released a list of words that can result in account suspension or even termination WITH FUNDS WITHHELD! We highly suggest reading this post!

We all know that selling counterfeits is going to get you banned; don’t list fake items, duh! BUT this new list of words goes a step further. First lets look at the list, then we will discuss it:

  • Fake
  • Faux
  • Dupe
  • Replica
  • Copy
  • Look-A-Like
  • Imitation

Ok, so clearly Amazon doesn’t want you posting a $19 China "Frada" Bag and listing it as “Look-A-Like Prada Purse” or a "Folex" and listing it as "Dupe Rolex". Makes sense. But there’s even more to this that you ABSOLUTELY MUST KNOW...

Now, I already know what your very first thought was when you read the list - “OMG, I can’t say Faux?! What if it’s a faux leather jacket?! What if the coat has Faux Fur?!” - According to Amazon you CAN still use the word Faux in this manner because you are not implying the brand name is imitation, you are simply saying the MATERIAL looks like Leather but is actually not. But you will likely be terminated if you say “Faux Armani Leather Jacket”, because when worded like this, it sounds like the item is NOT legit Armani brand.

To go a little further, let’s say you have a shirt that LOOKS LIKE an expensive Veronica Beard shirt but is NOT Veronica Beard Brand and it’s also NOT a fake Veronica Beard… it just RESEMBLES the same shirt. How should you list this without losing your account? Well, according to Amazon, the things you CAN’T SAY are:

  • Fake Veronica Beard Tee
  • Veronica Beard Replica Tee
  • Faux Veronica Beard Tee
  • Replica Veronica Beard Top
  • And so on.

However, according to today's Amazon article, you CAN say “shop the look”, “inspired by”, “similar to”. Here’s a screenshot from the actual article:

In closing, I always suggest to ERROR ON THE SIDE OF JUDGEMENT; meaning, if you aren’t sure if you should say something…. Don’t. It’s better to be safe than sorry!

Want to read the full article? Check it out in the Amazon Associates Center. 

1st Aug 2020 Big Brand

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