6 Online Sellers Rant About Crazy Buyer Return Requests: September 2021 Edition
If you're an online seller you so totally "get it"; buyers can be utterly insane! Thankfully sellers on Reddit love to vent about their weirdest, craziest, scariest and worst buyers, which is nothing short of entertaining for fellow sellers. So, without further ado, here's 6 of the most hilarious (and eye-rolling) buyer inquiries that online sellers have received:
1. Yes, it's my fault but it's also your fault! SELLER: toml3030
Buyer Inquiry: "I lost the item. Can you send me another one, since it's still covered under warranty?"
2. Exactly how long does Buyer Protection last? SELLER: trapped_in_a_box
Buyer Inquiry: "Hey, I bought this three months ago and now it's broken. I need a new one since this one is defective."
3. The ghosts won't stop using this item! I need a refund!
SELLER: Icouldbuildacastle (technically, Icouldbuildacastle didn't sell this item, but when they came across this thread in a forum they thankfully rushed to share it on Reddit)
4. "Where's the Color Change Button on this Blouse?" SELLER: TwinGnats
Back story: I advertised a blue sweatshirt and sent a blue sweatshirt. Buyer was upset they didn't get a black sweatshirt.
5. "WTF? It doesn't magically appear?!" SELLER: grimmz77
Back story: I sold a PC game on eBay a few years ago. Moron left negative feedback because he didn't know he had to install the game to play it.
6. "You said you were going to ship A LOT. You only sent SOME!" SELLER: DeCecco
Back story: My ebay title was "Lot of 12 ..." Buyer opens a return because he didn't get a lot, he only received 12.
My first return ever on eBay. I always use the word 'Lot' in the title and description to show how many of an item the listing is for especially if items are grouped together. It seems pretty clear especially with photos showing 12 items.
Apparently the person thought I was saying “alot”, meaning they would get dozens, or hundreds, of pieces
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